Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Uru Sambelum or duck bill Sprain and Pain Medication For Teeth

duck bill or the Borneo Dayak language called Uru Sambelum (Latin: Kalanchoe pinnata syn. Bryophyllum calycinum syn. Bryophyllum pinnatum) is a succulent plant (containing water), which according to the info comes from Madagascar. But for the dayak plants known hereditary ancestors for hundreds of years. This plant is known for its method of reproduction through leaf buds (buds / adventitious) and common in tropical climates such as Asia, Australia, New Zealand, West Indies, Makaronesia, Maskarenes, Galapagos, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Hawaii. In the region, duck bill popularly used as an ornamental plant at home but there are many that grow wild in gardens and moat edge many rocky soil.
Plant stems and soft duck bill edged. Thick fleshy leaves and contains a lot of water. Green leaf color (sometimes gray). Compound interest, fruit boxes. If it feels a bit sour and eaten cold.
duck bill contains malic acid, resin, mucus substances, magnesium malate, calcium oxalate, formic acid, and tannins. Commonly used as a traditional medicine to cure a headache, cough, chest pain, ulcers, and other skin diseases, cure fever, irregular menstrual smooth, cure wounds, and ulcers.
Some traditional treatment techniques using plants duck bill include:
Treating scars / sores from mosquito bites. Way, take 5-10 duck bill leaves, finely crushed, then squeeze. Rub the bite of mosquitoes. Do it 3 times a day as needed.
Curing sprain the ankle / arm. The trick, take 10 duck bill leaves, finely minced, then put on the foot / hand pain for 30 minutes. Do it 3 times a day until healed.
Treating toothache. Way, take the duck bill leaves to taste, then finely minced, then stick to the face (cheeks) are swollen. Do as much as necessary


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